
Glass packaging materials

You already know how great your products look in strong and elegant glass! Well, you can tick the environmentally friendly box for your packaging here too as Glass is the original sustainable material.

It is endlessly recyclable without any loss in strength or quality, forming a closed loop system – that is, glass bottles and jars are recycled and turned back into glass bottles and jars!

Glass Material

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Pont constantly strives to offer the best sustainable packaging options available focusing on a circular economy. We advise on material and designs that are both sustainable and more effectively recycled.

Browse some of our Glass Packaging solutions

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cosmetic jar

Cosmetic Jar

A wide neck squat jar for accessing creams and gels easily. Also popularly used as candle jars.

  • from 15ml up to 250ml
  • clear or amber for UV protection
  • wide stable base
Hexagonal food jar glass 190ml white flint TO twist off

Hexagonal Jar

A twist on the classic round food jar, the Hexagonal Jar presents preserves beautifully.

  • from 110ml up to 280ml
  • popular design
  • twist off matching closures
alpha sirop bottle

Sirop Bottle

Traditionally used for liquid medicines, now adopted by various sectors including personal care and drnks

  • from 60ml up to 1000ml
  • uniform 28ROPP on all sizes
  • clear or amber glass for UV protection

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We have a wide range of products in various sustainable materials

What makes glass the ideal packaging material?

  • Inert nature does not affect the taste or smell of food and beverages
  • Amber glass provides good protection against UV light
  • It can be recycled again in the same stream as virgin glass
  • Glass packaging uses recycled content in the manufacturing process and is still classed as food grade.
  • Air and moisture resistant to provide a longer shelf life strong and secure to hold chemicals and more corrosive products

Naturally sustainable from start to finish

Endless benefits for the environment

The natural raw materials for glass including sand and limestone are plentiful but now more commonly cullet (glass waste) is also added into all standard glass container manufacturing. As well as the benefits of recycling previously used glass, the cullet also uses less energy to manufacture than the raw materials. In general, amber glass will have a higher recycled content at around 45% whereas white flint glass will be at around 30%.

Glass is the most commonly collected material in domestic collections, bottle banks and the hospitality industry with an approximate 50-80% recycling rate. Even glass that ends up in landfill is inert and will not produce harmful gases as it decomposes nor will it affect marine animals if discarded in the ocean.

product image of amber glass jars jaycap

Your questions about Glass material, Answered here!

Glass is a strong, solid material that has the added property of being see through. It is made using sand, soda ash and limestone (as well as recycled glass content called cullet) that are melted together at very high temperatures. This makes it suitable for many everyday applications such as glazing or containers but also for decorative items.

The key characteristic of glass is it’s transparency but glass is also strong and rigid, resistant to heat and inert to chemicals. 

Glass is produced using naturally abundant raw materials – sand, soda ash and limestone but it also naturally uses recycled glass content in the mix, known as cullet.

The basic raw materials of amber and white flint glass are the same but amber is produced using the addition of other elements –  iron, sulphur and carbon. The resulting rich brown colour is synonymous with quality as it protects the contents within from UV light, preserving taste and smell.

Learn more about all of our sustainable solutions

We have a wide range of sustainable options for all our products

Biobased PE

Learn about how this sustainable packaging solution performs, what it can be used for, products we have avaliable and how it can be recycled for a circular economy.   Click here to learn more

Recycled PET

Learn more about recycled-PET and how our products are made from different amounts of recycled content ranging from 0-100% recycled PET materials collected and reused. Click here to learn more

Recycled HDPE

Learn more about Recycled HDPE and how this none food grade sustainable packaging solution Is perfect for storing chemicals, acids, alcohols and many other products safely.  Click here to learn more

Carbon Black free

Learn more about carbon black free and how this sustainable packaging solution allows the recycling centres to identify products that need to be recycled and reused. Click here to learn more

All Sustainable options

Learn more about all of our sustainable packaging, including our green process and our poilcy to protect the environment through recycling and sustainable materials. Click here to learn more

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